Gum health and implants for the elderly


When it comes to dental problems, the two most dreaded words are “root canal.”

For decades, root canals have been the go-to solution for dental problems that involve a badly decayed or damaged tooth.

However, with recent advancements in dental technology, a new option is on the rise: dental implants.

In this blog post, we will delve into the details of root canals, dental implants, and what sets them apart from each other.

Root Canals

Root canals are a common dental procedure that involves removing the infected or damaged pulp from the root of a tooth.

During the procedure, the dentist will numb the affected area before drilling a small hole into the tooth.

From there, the infected pulp is removed, the tooth is cleaned, and a filling is placed to seal the hole.

Finally, a crown is placed over the tooth to protect it.

Root canals are often recommended when a tooth is severely decayed, infected, or damaged.

For patients who are experiencing extreme sensitivity, pain, or swelling around a tooth, a root canal is typically the best solution.

However, root canals can be expensive, time-consuming, and may require multiple appointments.

Additionally, not all teeth are eligible for a root canal, and they may need to be extracted instead.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a newer option for replacing missing or damaged teeth.

Dental implants are essentially artificial tooth roots that are placed into the jawbone.

They are designed to be a permanent solution, and they often look and feel like natural teeth.

The implant itself is made of titanium, a material that is compatible with the human body and is able to fuse with the jawbone over time.

An abutment is then attached to the implant, which serves as a mounting point for a crown or bridge.

Dental implants are often preferred over traditional dentures because they offer several advantages.

Unlike dentures, implants are permanent and don’t need to be removed for cleaning or maintenance.

Additionally, dental implants can improve speech, chewing function, and overall oral health.

Dental implants are also a great choice for patients who are looking for a more natural-looking and durable solution for missing teeth.

Making the Choice

When it comes to choosing between a root canal and dental implants, there are several factors to consider.

First and foremost, the decision should be based on the individual needs and concerns of the patient.

If the tooth can be saved with a root canal, it may be the best choice.

On the other hand, if the tooth is beyond repair, then an implant may be the best option.

Other factors to consider include cost, time, and the overall health of the patient’s teeth and gums.

A root canal may be more affordable in the short term, but an implant may be the better long-term investment.

Additionally, dental implants require a healthy jawbone and sufficient gum tissue to support them, so patients with gum disease or other oral health issues may not be eligible.

In the end, the choice between a root canal and dental implants should be made in consultation with a dental professional.

A qualified dentist or oral surgeon will be able to assess the patient’s needs and provide personalized recommendations based on their unique situation.

In conclusion, both root canals and dental implants have their advantages and disadvantages.

Root canals are a tried and true option for saving a severely damaged tooth, while dental implants offer the advantage of being a permanent, natural-looking, and durable solution for missing teeth.

Ultimately, the best choice varies from patient to patient, and should be made in consultation with a qualified dental professional.